🎭 Mission A3: Initial Performance
What will happen:
This mission encourages group collaboration/creativity and sets up the Finale of the Fairy Royal's Birthday smoothly. Trainees will attempt to hire entertainers for the Fairy Royal’s Birthday, but will instead be tasked with developing a group entertainment themselves.
This is an open-ended collaborative project for campers, though we hope they use wearable technology to do so. The intended outcome of this mission is to give the campers an opportunity to think of how to design wearable technology that augments or improves expressive displays as well as design synchronized or choreographed displays.
Encourage them to work on the concepts they've learned throughout the experience so far (working in motion-activated triggers or making use of radio signals to coordinate for lights and sounds) but let them take the lead when it comes to designing this experience.
Consider how this fits into the overall structure of your camp experience.
If you are running the complete experience, now is the first time that the campers will be meeting with the imposter Fairy Royal.
If not, you don’t need to make the Fairy Royal an antagonist to the campers. They can be genuine in their excitement.
Trainee's Mission Objectives:
Coordinate a Collaborative Group Performance
Campers will be tasked with an open-ended challenge to create entertainment. They will have to work as a unit, embracing each other’s various skills to develop an interesting demonstration.
Incorporate Wearables into Open-Ended Design
Students will incorporate their LED wearable experience into their performance without external guidance to achieve a specific need. Organic incorporation of learned technology will allow them to embrace their skills outside of assigned tasks.
Materials & Classes Covered
Mission Tech: Colored LED Light strips, Affiliated connections, boards, wiring, and batteries necessary
Prop: LED “Portal” to Elpheme (LED lined doorway to Elpheme room from HQ)
Universal Crafting Material
Non-Player Characters (NPCs):
Anywear Academy Agent
Character(s) encouraging Trainees to explore their creativity in fairy costume making AND to help ensure their LED light strip wearables are functional/can utilize coding learned in previous classes to the best of their abilities.
Courtly Fairy (recommended, but optional)
There to greet and provide commentary on the Fairy Royal. This can be a source of hints to the overall plot.
Fairy Royal
This figure is either a selfish but kind-hearted royal that is looking for suitable entertainment for their birthday party or an imposter trying to not arouse suspicion. In either case, they want the campers to put on a great performance!
Classes Covered:
Lights & Colors 1
Design Bodystorming
Note: The time duration represents the expected length of the role-play scene and crafting for the activity.
Please account for components such as class time, lunch & breaks in your scheduling.
Exposition (15-10 minutes)
Location: Anywear Academy HQ
The NPC Anywear Facilitator tells the Trainees they will need to find entertainment for the Fairy Royal's Birthday. However, his favorite variety troupe has food poisoning (ate the wrong Fairy Berries).
The Trainees themselves will have to step in and coordinate some form of entertainment that highlights their unique skills. [GOAL 1]
This is an open-ended goal but may easily include group dances, skits, magic demonstrations, fashion show, etc.
Initial Incident (5-10 minutes)
Location: Elphame Court
Entering the Castle/Elphame portal Trainees may briefly ask the Fairy Royal what their preferred type of entertainment is before they must run off. These can be based on whatever you like or based on trends and inside jokes you’ve seen the campers create during the duration of the experience.
Here are some examples: [GOAL 2]
Anything with moving parts
Anything that combines lights with singing or dancing
Anything that makes him laugh
Spectacular costumes
Anything with his favorite color
Rising Action (35-45 minutes)
Location: Anywear Academy HQ
Campers have the majority of the scene time to prepare props and choreograph their performance together.
Now can be a time when they create new functionality for their wearables or familiars (if created already). Try and guide them to try out design ideas for the group performance that they’re interested in.
Allow for at least one full rehearsal in the last few minutes.
Climax (10 Minutes)
Location: Elphame Court
The Fairy Royal arrives in the last 10 minutes of the scene to view the entertainment.
The Royal should be impressed but can have some critiques and suggestions.
If the Trainees aren’t utilizing their wearables during the performance, suggest a more magical display.
If it doesn’t involve every camper, suggest they expand their performance troupe.
In either case, the Fairy Royall should say what they want to see more of at the actual masquerade! If they love it, they'll go wild.
Resolution Denouement (5-10 minutes)
Location: Anywear Academy HQ
Campers return to the HQ to discuss what they’ve learned with their instructor/mentor.
Now’s the time to prompt them to reflect on what they’ve learned, who they’ve met, and how they feel about their wearable design so far. ( what did they think about the Fairy Royal?)
Players should leave some documentation behind their decisions behind their performance just in case other trainees don’t go on the next mission.
Documentation can include a paste bin of applicable code, a scrapbook page, or a group whiteboard that they can collaboratively work on.
Facilitator Notes
General Script Direction
This mission is the first time the campers have directly interacted with the Fairy Royal and the way this role should be played depends on the overall plot of your experience.
If this character is the shapeshifting imposter, this can be an opportunity to drop hints that the Fairy Royal isn’t who they appear.
Ask questions that the real Fairy Royal would obviously know. Make errors about the name of their friends or family. If the camper’s performance has pop culture references, comment on them but pretend you misspoke.
You want to make the campers suspicious and curious.
Tone and advice for success
This open-ended mission is meant to give the campers the opportunity for more creative freedom in their designs.
Comments and suggestions should help them come to a cohesive design that they have authorship over rather than one dictated to them. This experimentation should be celebrated and encouraged so try and keep that tone when providing feedback.
Build critiques off what they’re interested in. Look at the Design Bodystorming material for inspiration.
Mission Success Criteria
[1] Coordinate a Collaborative Group Performance
[2] Incorporate Wearables into Open-Ended
If Trainees meet [GOAL 1]
Then, the Fairy Royal will be overjoyed at the performance skills they highlighted as well as their teamwork!
If Trainees need a little help with [GOAL 1]
Then, the Fairy Royal will applaud their individual efforts or ask them to improvise with what they have so far. The Anywear Angents will also stress the aspect of teamwork for the coming finale mission.
If Trainees meet [GOAL 2]
Then, campers will amaze the Fairy Royal through their innovative use of magical color and patterns. They must “be powerful magicians.
If Trainees need a little help with [GOAL 2]
Then, either Anywear Academy Agents assist them in adding LED lightstrip flashing functionality to their wearables OR campers will have to describe why it is better to perform without the wearables on.